Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has been down with fever and cold, sounds super excited after The Bachchans Unforgetttable tour received a thunderous applause in Los Angeles.Big B, who performed inspite of his illness, is generous in his gratitude for his fans.Writing on his blog, Big B exclaims " What an audience ! What a show ! What response ! Simply incredible !"Calling it one of the best live show experiences for him, Bachchan says,"All the credit goes to the utterly fantastic fans and audience at the LA Sports Arena, that packed the venue right up to the rafters and just egged and shouted and screamed us into a performance that all of us will remember for a lifetime."Inpite of his continuing ailment, Bachchan sounds jubilant "My chest still whirs, my nose still runs and my voice seems to be coming from some other sound box, but I just do not care. Last night took care of everything."Crediting his fans with his power packed performance, Big B sounds completley bowled over by the LA audeince, " I don t know how it all happened, but it happened. I stand up in salutation to the people at the venue, to the people of Los Angeles, to all the fans and well wishers. You did it ! And I humbly bow down to you with the deepest respect and love. Thank you !!"Well, that's some humility indeed.Not just his audience, Big B remembers his well wisher bloggers also, and thanking them for their get-well-soon messages, he has posted some pictures of rehearsals and his room where he has been recuperating.Bachchan's The Unforgettable Tour was flagged off in Toronto, and after traveling to Trinidad and LA,it goes to San Francisco this week.
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